April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! Pictured above it the gingerbread Easter Bunny Hutch that I'd made a week ago to help decorate the band hall. Make it a little bit more...festive. I thought it was fun. It was my first gingerbread house of any sorts, so I had to share it with you guys. Isn't it kewl??? I think I did a bang-up job on it. Everyone in the band dug it...they can't believe that I made a gingerbread house out here. They think I'm so goofy. Oh, and apparently I remind them of a muppet!!! Crazy, eh?
I miss you all. I hope you're having a good Easter. Eat some Cadbury eggs for me, would you? It's too hot for chocolate out here.
Take care. Have a FANTABULOUS Easter!!! TOODLES!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daddy just bought me Cadbury caramel eggs with you in mind! I am eating one as I write to you.
That is one cute gingerbread house!
You are animated... that is where you probably remind people of a muppet.
Cousin Bug made a traditional Easter Bunny cake (without coconut for hair). It was cute. We saw Bug and Steve, Beth and Joe and Beth Bergren with her new other half, Dale at Beth and Joe's house.
Grandma Verna and Grandpa Jim met Dad, Amber and I for Easter dinner at Bonanza. It was wonderful. We had all you can eat shrimp. WOOHOO! We love you.

4/17/2006 7:02 PM  

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