May 20, 2006

Is it necessary?

"Necessary? No! It isn't necessary. Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?? NO!!! But it's sterile and I like the taste!" ~Dodgeball
Nope. This entry isn't necessary. I don't really have anything to add as of yet other than the fact that my clarinet playing is really coming along. I sound way better now than I thought I would. How 'bout that, eh?
Yes, Jenn. We'll definitely have to do a RHPS night sometime. I always wanted to see a midnight showing of it, but have had to settle with a midnight in-the-privacy-of-my-own-home viewing of the film. Not as kewl.
I would like to make a SHOUT OUT to my friends Sej and Abby! I miss you guys so much! I can't wait to be able to hang-out with you two again!!!! wee-oo wee-oo wee-oo. Wughghghgh! (that was supposed to be the chick voice from Kung Pow)
I would also like to thank everyone who visits my blog for all you words of encouragement, your prayers, and your advice (whether I've asked for it or not). I love and appreciate all of you, my adoring fan club!!! *smooches* Spiritual hugs for EVERYONE!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!
I know, I am a bit weird. Can't help it. Being deployed is making me lose whatever sanity I had left!!!! GRAR!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I've gotta run. Don't go crazy without me. Love ya'all. TOODLES!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes being insane is the only way to hold on to sanity!
I really miss you!

5/22/2006 4:08 PM  

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