April 22, 2006

oh-eh oh-eh, oh-eh oh-eh...

"Oh-eh oh-eh, oh-eh oh-eh...I'm feelin' HOT HOT HOT!!!!!"
It feels like it's a million degrees outside. I've been sweating non-stop for what seems like forever. I start sweating even right after I get done with a shower...no matter how cold the water is!!!! It's crazy!
The rock band's performance was wicked awesome! I wasn't able to take any pictures tho cuz my camera's battery died. UGH!!! I was so disappointed. I still head-banged a little too much...my neck is a bit sore. C'est la vie! Oh, and just to make Jenn jealous, I thought I'd inform you all that the Charlie Daniels show wasn't too bad either. I got an autographed picture of Charlie Daniels and his whole band. I even got to shake Charlie's hand. How kewl is that? Are you green yet, Jenn? Heh heh heh *do note the evil laugh*
Finally heard from Angie. She got married to Nick on 30 March and she had her baby, Elizabeth, on December 12 of last year. Congrats, Angie and Nick. Hopefully she'll email me some pics of her and her family (Nick and Elizabeth) so that I can post them on here for all of you to see.
Still same old stuff, different day, here. Not much to report. It's Iraq. It's hot. It's windy--but it's a warm wind. And sometimes it smells like garbage outside. I miss home. I'm looking forward to going home (to stay) in the next 7-8 months. It seems so far away. Although, I'll have to admit...the lack of weekends has made it seem like the time is moving kind of fast. I'm always working, so the only time I have to myself is usually right before I go to bed every day.
Matthew is still doing okay. He's busy, so he doesn't have much time to sulk either. I guess we're doing pretty well, all considering. Keep writing, though. We like to hear about what's going on back home. We love you all! Take care. I'll write more some other day. Toodles!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good feeling!

4/23/2006 2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so anxious for you to get back to the states. Comments like the one before mine makes me feel better about your being there. We love you and are very proud of you (and Matt). We will continue to pray for miracles.

4/25/2006 8:02 AM  

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