May 6, 2006

SGT Klein

This is my friend, SGT Jason Klein. Amber, you'd asked for a picture of him...well, here you are. He works for the PAO (Public Affairs Office) as a broadcasting journalist. He's a pretty kewl guy to be hanging around. He helps make the time out here go by faster--he's funny. We enjoy a lot of the same movies and stuff. I've recently introduced him to the crazy antics of the Tortuga Twins. Oh yeah! He said they did too many gay jokes, but he said they were okay. Have no fear, I might be able to turn him into a Ren Fest lover yet! He's got potential.
On a different note, I might be forced into making a choice between "a rock and a hard place". I've been informed that I either need to re-enlist for 3 more years in order to move to a different duty station, or else I will be stop-lossed (aka grounded) to 4 ID and be forced to come out to the desert again...I'm kinda hosed either way. I've talked to Matthew about our options and it looks like I might be able to re-enlist and get sent to Ft.Leonardwood, Missouri. That wouldn't be too bad because I'd be closer to home and I wouldn't get shipped out to here again any time soon. So don't be surprised to find out that I'll be in the Army longer than previously anticipated. C'est la vie!
I hope everyone is doing well. I miss you all very much. I can't wait to get back to the states and see my adoring fan club! Thank you all for trying to stay in touch with me while I've been out here. I've been very homesick and it's nice to get letters and emails from you---little pieces of home. Take care of yourselves. Toodles!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a hard choice, being with the army longer than wanted or take chance in Iraq. I know Crystal wants to get out of the army. Love you Crystal

5/06/2006 5:25 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

Rod and I are behind you either way, you know we love you and think about you all the time. We pray for your safety there in Iraq, hell we pray for your and Matt's safety no matter where you are at. Think about what you want and what will be good for you. Also what will be good for you, Matt and family. We're thinking about you! Love you!

5/10/2006 3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think about you and Matt!!! Have you got a full year after you get back? If you don't can they send you back? If nothing else get pregnant and they can't send you back. (I hope) Is Matt going to Mo.
and you to Fort Hood when you get back? You don't like the Army and it would be better to live that far apart for a year then spend another three years in there. Just a thought. I'd rather have you out of there and be happy. Mo and Tex isn't that far apart. I love you so much and miss you too. Wish you and Matt was both out of there. Just a thought. I really believe they are trying to scare you......(Maybe) They like to get your dandruf stired up. Just loves you and thought I'd tell you how I feel but do what is in your heart. We'll be praying for you and you pray that the Lord will help you make a right decision. I feel like Amber does.
Love and kisses, Granny

5/10/2006 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think about you and Matt!!! Have you got a full year after you get back? If you don't can they send you back? If nothing else get pregnant and they can't send you back. (I hope) Is Matt going to Mo.
and you to Fort Hood when you get back? You don't like the Army and it would be better to live that far apart for a year then spend another three years in there. Just a thought. I'd rather have you out of there and be happy. Mo and Tex isn't that far apart. I love you so much and miss you too. Wish you and Matt was both out of there. Just a thought. I really believe they are trying to scare you......(Maybe) They like to get your dandruf stired up. Just loves you and thought I'd tell you how I feel but do what is in your heart. We'll be praying for you and you pray that the Lord will help you make a right decision. I feel like Amber does.
Love and kisses, Granny

5/10/2006 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think about you and Matt!!! Have you got a full year after you get back? If you don't can they send you back? If nothing else get pregnant and they can't send you back. (I hope) Is Matt going to Mo.
and you to Fort Hood when you get back? You don't like the Army and it would be better to live that far apart for a year then spend another three years in there. Just a thought. I'd rather have you out of there and be happy. Mo and Tex isn't that far apart. I love you so much and miss you too. Wish you and Matt was both out of there. Just a thought. I really believe they are trying to scare you......(Maybe) They like to get your dandruf stired up. Just loves you and thought I'd tell you how I feel but do what is in your heart. We'll be praying for you and you pray that the Lord will help you make a right decision. I feel like Amber does.
Love and kisses, Granny

5/10/2006 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think about you and Matt!!! Have you got a full year after you get back? If you don't can they send you back? If nothing else get pregnant and they can't send you back. (I hope) Is Matt going to Mo.
and you to Fort Hood when you get back? You don't like the Army and it would be better to live that far apart for a year then spend another three years in there. Just a thought. I'd rather have you out of there and be happy. Mo and Tex isn't that far apart. I love you so much and miss you too. Wish you and Matt was both out of there. Just a thought. I really believe they are trying to scare you......(Maybe) They like to get your dandruf stired up. Just loves you and thought I'd tell you how I feel but do what is in your heart. We'll be praying for you and you pray that the Lord will help you make a right decision. I feel like Amber does.
Love and kisses, Granny

5/10/2006 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think about you and Matt!!! Have you got a full year after you get back? If you don't can they send you back? If nothing else get pregnant and they can't send you back. (I hope) Is Matt going to Mo.
and you to Fort Hood when you get back? You don't like the Army and it would be better to live that far apart for a year then spend another three years in there. Just a thought. I'd rather have you out of there and be happy. Mo and Tex isn't that far apart. I love you so much and miss you too. Wish you and Matt was both out of there. Just a thought. I really believe they are trying to scare you......(Maybe) They like to get your dandruf stired up. Just loves you and thought I'd tell you how I feel but do what is in your heart. We'll be praying for you and you pray that the Lord will help you make a right decision. I feel like Amber does.
Love and kisses, Granny

5/10/2006 4:59 PM  
Blogger English Newbie said...

That totally sucks big time. I can't beleive they are forcing you to stay in the Army, I was under the impression that they couldn't make you stay longer than you were supposed to. I say suckwad to all things Bush! Maybe he should fight his own stupid war instead of making my best friend in the whole world do his dirty work! Well anyways, sorry for not reading your stuff earlier. I have been so incredably busy lately, too much work! I am officially done with another year in the old salt mine though, oh and Jakey graduated! I may never see him or Cletus ever again, that is so sad. Cheers.

5/12/2006 10:37 PM  

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