April 15, 2006

Ren Fest Fever!

That's right! Crystal has got Renaissance Festival Fever once again! Not like that's anything new. I just really want to go see the Tortuga Twins (pictured above) and Puke 'n Snot and maybe even The London Broil!!! You remember The London Broil quite well, don't you, Abby? Heh heh heh...
Anyways, I've found a couple mid-east outfits out here that I think would be totally awesome for The Mid-East Mirage weekend at the Ren Fest. I'm so pumped. I can't wait to get back to the states and frequent my favorite part of summer. The part I look forward to all year long. My beloved Renaissance Festival season. Mmmmmmm...good food, good music, good entertainment, and (depending on who you take along) good company...it's all just so darn GOOD!!!! I'm so excited. I wish that I could go right now. Sadly, I'm stuck here where it's been getting like 100 degrees out and all that trash! UGH!!! I don't think I'll be able to handle the heat this summer. I just want to go have some fun at home.
Does anyone know when the Minnesota Renaissance Festival kicks-off this summer? I know it'll be in August, but does anyone know which weekend? I know some people here, who are going to be back in the states in time to go, who are interested in going, but I need to know the dates for them. Write to me if you find out.
Well, I suppose I should end this now. Stop blabbering on and on and get my butt back to work. Hope you all have a great weekend. Take care. Write to me sometime. Toodles!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crystal, some mail (it is very lumpy) arrived from the tortuga twins for you. Do we just forward it (I will need to open it for a customs declairation)

4/17/2006 1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

August 13 thru September 25, 2005
Weekends and Labor Day and Festival Friday, September 23

We can get discount tickets from work... Love yah!

4/17/2006 7:37 PM  

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