April 12, 2006

I am cute!!!!!

This is a picture of me at the Pot Luck dinner for Matthew and I last summer (2005). I think I look so cute. Matthew has this picture hanging up in his room over at his camp. I really like this picture of me, so I decided I needed to share it with the world.

Matthew and I are enjoying our time together right now. I arrived at his camp late last night. It's a miniature vacation, I guess. He's got a mission later today, but hopefully he'll be back before I have to leave. It would be nice to say a decent "good bye". We went and had some Turkish Cappacino (SP?) at a cafe called "Amira's Cafe". She was a nice lady. Then, I whooped Matthew's butt at a game of checkers. Hee hee hee. It's really nice out today cuz it's raining. Yesterday was aweful. It reached a whopping 95 degrees yesterday!!!! The hottest day so far. Not looking forward to summer; it's THIS hot already and it's only Spring! UGH!!!!!

We've taken a couple pics out here, but I'll add them to my blog at a later date. Don't want to overload my blog entry with too many pictures all at one time.

Matthew has a MySpace account, now, for all of you MySpacers! His name there is crazymofo97. He's new at it, so if you've got any advice, write to him and hopefully he won't be too "proud" to accept some words of wisdom. :^)

Yes, there was a daylight savings thingy over here. It wasn't too bad for me cuz I was on guard duty when we had to change the clocks, so technically I got to sham out of an hour of guard duty. That rocks!!!! I know you'd asked me about that, Jenn. Sorry that it took so long for me to answer you back. I've been busy like crazy!

Starting next month, I will start performing in my jazz combo for the troops. I'm pretty pumped about that. I've been working really hard on learning some licks on the keyboard. I've also written a chart for my group. It's my own jazzy arrangement of the Temptations' tune "My Girl". It's really kewl. I've never really written anything to be performed in public before. Next month will be my debut!!!!!! YAY FOR ME!!!!!!

I should go now so that I can stop ignoring Matthew. I can tell that he's getting bored watching me type this entry and I'm sure you're tired of reading it. Take care. I'll try to keep you all better informed. I'll try to make more time to write on here in the future. Hope you all have a FANTABULOUS day! Toodles!!!!


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