July 13, 2006

Help! I'm being repressed!!!!

[Siceloff doing the fireman carry with me. What a couple of dweebs, eh?]
Hey Gang!
In about 5 days, my buddy, Siceloff, will be coming back! HuZzAh!!! I'm so excited to have him come back here! I'll have someone to hang-out with again, besides the crazy band geeks that I've been hanging out with since he left. UGH! Just kidding. I've been hanging-out with the kewl geeks, but they're still geeks nevertheless. :^) *wink*
Life is still sucky. Hopefully it will be improving sometime soon here. My unit is already telling us to start packing some of our things to be packed in the conex (which is to be shipped back to the states in September). YAY! That's a good sign. Plus, the 1st Cavalry Division band has orders that would place them here, in Iraq, in October. I might be going home early after all! No matter what, though, I'd be getting home before Thanksgiving. I don't know about Matthew's unit. He might not be coming back to the states until early December. But he will FOR SURE be back before Christmas! :^)
We miss you all so much. I hope you are all doing well. I've gotta go back to that "work" thing. They still haven't realized that I'm allergic to work. C'est la vie. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!


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