September 13, 2006

Back to isolation...

Hey Everybody.
Matthew and I made it back to the desert safe and sound. Well, safely, anyway. We got back to our respective camps in the noche (night) of Sunday, the 10th. Yee-haw. (Note: sarcasm)
We miss you all so much. We were so grateful to see the family (and friends) that we got to see. We never seem to have enough time on leave to do everything we wish/want to do. It's sad. There's so much more we wanted to be able to see and do, but time would not allow it! ARGH!!!!
At least I'm back to familiarity. Sadly, it don't look like I'm going to be getting back to the states as soon as I'd hoped. Sounds like I'll be back in time for Thanksgiving, though. At least it's only a little over a month past what I was expecting, so I guess it's not too bad. Meh..
I'm back to hanging out with my friend, SGT Nathan Siceloff...yep, he got promoted. *applause* And it looks like Matthew might get promoted next month (would've been this month except for some technical errors on his unit's part). Nathan took me out to the Cinnabon by the PX for a miniature "Welcome back to the Desert" party where the whole party consisted of him and myself. It was still nice. He's still trying to finish reading my new Poppy Z. Brite (my favorite author) books. I'd already read them before leave, but he hasn't quite finished them. It's so nice having a buddy that is so interested in the same things as I am. It makes it a lot more fun to hang out with him cuz we're so much alike. Don't start any rumors, now. I love Matthew with all my heart. Besides, Nathan is more interested in...other people. I'll leave it at that. :^)
Everything is the same as always. Butt-ass hot, but not as hot as it was before I went on leave, and still boring. At least I got some more books while I was on leave. I've already read Cut and I am currently reading White Oleander. Both are really hard to put down. I'm almost finished with the one I'm reading.
Nothing to really report. I hope you're doing better, Josh. And I hope your Dad is okay, Zippy. If there's anything Matthew and/or I can do for you two, let us know. Wish we could help.
Thank you, friends and family, for all your support. I miss you, and I know Matthew misses you too, and we can't wait to be back in the states. Just 2.5 more months to go. Maybe a bit less than that if certain dates change. Love you all and take care. TOODLES!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have a friend that reads the same books as I do. We read the Karen Kingsbury books. Clara and I share them. It's fun. Also gives yah something to talk about.
Glad you made it back safely. Sorry you'll come back late but that life huh? Be nice to come back when Matt does. You won't be so lonesome. Was nice seeing yah two.
Love Granny

9/15/2006 7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Crystal,
Glad you made it back safely...I'm back up here at school and really bored. I need to go practice clarinet, but am too lazy to walk over to the Fine Arts Center. Did I tell you--I get to play the A Clarinet for chamber orchestra!! It's fun, but the high notes are really hard to get out sometimes. Well, I better go, but I do plan on seeing you next time you're in Minnesota!


9/15/2006 2:42 PM  
Blogger Kat said...


Glad to hear that you and Matt arrived back there safely! Rod was askin' about you guys the other day I and said that you were going to arrive back there soon. We miss you already! Hope to see you when you get back to the states! I'll have a little one you get to see by that time!!

9/16/2006 10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice vacation and made it back safe.. and thank you for your support, I think that's all you really can do and I appreciate it. My dad is doing pretty good right now.
Take care!

9/17/2006 11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/19/2006 1:26 PM  

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