September 5, 2006

Le Bet [part DEUX]!!!!

[Top: Le Bet (aka "The Beast II") and Crystal. Middle: Trunk Monkey(newest in security, comes standard with every purchase from Patriot Auto Sales). Bottom: Crystal fishing at Stillhouse Lake in Harker Heights, Texas.]
Hope everyone is absolutely FANTABULOUS. I know that I'm doing pretty good. And I think that Matthew ain't too shabby either! We're not happy that we'll have to go back to Iraq in 2 more days, but we'll live. "We are survivors!"
Yes, that's the newest addition to Matthew and I's little fleet of vehicles that we're accumulating. It's a 1998 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4. Isn't she beautiful? I picked her up for just under $5000! It runs really well and it's going to be so much fun to modify. The parts are really easy (and CHEAP) to find down here. Oh, and it came equipped with it's very own Trunk Monkey. What a plus, eh?? I thought so.
Matthew and I went fishing again, today...we got skunked. All the fish were surfacing and eating the bugs, but they just TEASED our lures. What creeps!!!! I got a couple of swirls and lost one of our pearch-colored lures to a submerged log that I couldn't see, but it brought to our attention that the line on my pole needed to be changed, which is good, I guess, in the event that I ever CATCH anything. But, we haven't really done much else. Hope you all are alive and well. Take care. You too, Josh! No more hospitals!!! Take it easy. Talk at you all later. Toodles!!!!!


Blogger Kat said...

I have to say, I've never boughten a car that included a "Trunk Monkey." I do have to say I rather like your new vehicle, sooner than later we have to get a new vehicle. Fit enough for a car seat.

9/06/2006 10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and your car look fabulous!
And the Critter looks mavelous!
And the Trunk monkey too! (Yuk)
Just a joke now!!!!
You never looked better - seriously!

Love always,

9/07/2006 4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Car is sharp and diddo your Dad.
Thanks for the recipe. That was so
Love, Granny

9/11/2006 8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, Baby Girl!
That is one nice vehicle you got there. You can keep the monkey.
I love the pics, thank you for sharing them.
I had the most wonderful anniversary. It was soooo nice to share it with everyone. It was a good turn-out and a lot of fun! It was awesome that our kids were there to share it with. We love you.

10/03/2006 8:08 PM  

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