September 22, 2006

Matthew's Combat Action Badge (CAB)

This is a picture of me and my award for being a seviver of an attack on my convoy with a VBIED (Vehical Born Improvised Explosive Device). It was presented to me on the 15th of this month.The award is a little late but later then never. Im still net getting permoted, the points whent up on me so now i have to do more education courses to add points to my record. Im still in the running tho. Other than that its been same-O same-O.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are proud of you Matt!
We pray for you daily and can not wait until you return to the USA!
We love you guys!

9/25/2006 8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GRAMPA IS VERY PROUD OF YOU congratulations to you Matt. you are realy looking good in your fancy glasses. the medal seems to be a addition to your dress uniforn

9/27/2006 8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are some handsome glasses! You are lookin' sharp with those there specks and badge.
We are sooo proud of you. Can't wait until you get home.
Love yah!
Mama Herrig

10/03/2006 7:53 PM  

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