September 1, 2006

Crystal's Half-Time Report

Hello, my adoring fan club, and GOOD DAY!!!!
My leave has been going well. I have seen family, friends, and visited my beloved Minnesota Renaissance Festival!!! I couldn't have asked for a better day to be at the Ren Fest. It wasn't hot, it wasn't rainy, and it wasn't too terribly crowded. I loved it! I also was able to get myself a gypsy outfit. It's really pretty colors.
I also attended my 'rents' anniversary party--with class!!! I was wearing a black with purple pleated skirt, with a black 3/4 sleeved shirt that had a low-laying v-neck and the sleeves were really loose. I had my hair down and it was really curly! I think I looked pretty good. It was the first time in a long time that I've worn a dress around family that it didn't involve the Ren Fest! LOL. Anyways...Matthew was pretty hot in his nice khaki pants and bright blue button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He looked like I'd cut his picture out of a magazine and turned him to LIFE! He was so gorgeous. What a babe! Sorry...I lost myself for a moment there. I saw a lot of family that I haven't seen since I was little (Uncle Geno, and Byron & Chetty), and a few friends...Ashley Kringle, Kat &Rod Oltman, and Marie Ljosenvoor (sorry, Marie, if I misspelled your name). Thank you everyone for showing up or for trying your hardest to be there. I understand that there was a lot going on during that weekend for everyone. There's always this winter. *wink*
As of now, Matthew and I are still at Josh's house (Matthew's older brother). We saw Zippy, too, but she had to leave the morning after we got here. Last night we went to Grandma Moran's house for a spaghetti dinner...and Matthew and I got a little fishing in from their dock (caught only one little bass, but got a couple of bites!). Other than that, we've just been "jellin' " (as Josh would say) for the most part. It's kinda nice to slow down a bit and just chill. Today, Matthew and I will continue our trek back to Texas as we need to find an apartment for when we get back to the states and we have a few more errands to run.
Thank you, everyone, for making this leave so enjoyable for us. We can't wait to be back in the states to stay! We miss you all so much. I hope you enjoyed our leave too. Thanks again. Take care of yourselves and try to have fun! For those of you attending college, I wish you luck! The next time I write on this thing, I'll probably be back in Iraq, so I guess I'll catch you on the flip side. Toodles!!!!!!!


Blogger Angelica said...

I wish I could be there with ya girl! You have fun and take care of yourself! Love ya lots!

9/01/2006 3:07 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

Hey kiddo, it was awesome to see you, and I am glad you got to see my very preg. belly! Next time we see you, we'll have to go out together, or something so we can chat and Rod can get to know you guys. Hell next time I see you, we will have baby! Exciting! Love ya and take care of yourselves!!

9/02/2006 10:17 AM  
Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

excellent work with the name! tis challenging to spell (even for me). also very good to see you and i'm excited to visit with you again one of these days! come home safe for keeps!

9/12/2006 9:39 PM  

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