October 28, 2006


Well Crystal has now moved into tent city, as we call it. Living in the trailers was a lot better by far. She misses you all and cant wait to get back home. Nothing has changed yet but if it has we will let you all know. Love you all and youll here from me soon. Matt

October 2, 2006

Packing-up, ready to ship-out!

Hey, Gang!
Matthew and I are so anxious to be going back to the states. I only have about 6 more weeks to go until I will be "Leaving On A Jet-Plane", heading back to the states. Matthew is pretty much in the same boat as me. He says he'll be following right behind me. I might get back a week before him, but not much more than that. I guess that's pretty good, all considering.
My unit packed it's containers today. It felt so good to do it too. The last time we'd packed them was a year ago and it was in preparation to come out to this god-aweful place. It's nice to know we're so close to freedom. So close to having weekends again! I can't wait to be living for the weekend again. Good times with good friends. Mmmm....and lots of good food! YAY!
Matthew and I will just be so happy to be together again. It'll be so nice to be able to hug him whenever I get the urge. I've been missing him so much out here. It's not fair!!!! *sniffle*
Well, I should be going. Don't freak...I won't have much internet/phone access for the next 2 months. I'll write/call when I can. Take care. Toodles!!!!