January 29, 2006


Hi everyone.
Sorry for the anger and fury you saw in my last entry. I was really mad when I wrote it, I should've waited until I calmed down before I wrote it. I'm sorry.
I'm really tired right now. I'm struggling to sleep. I think it's cuz I'm so stressed-out here. And what makes it worse, is that everyone is waiting for me to crack. I'm trying my hardest to prove them all wrong, thanks to the stubborness that comes from my grandmother. Thanks Granny.
I'm just ka-poot!!! I want to go home and never come back here! At least today is one less day than yesterday, though, right?
Hope everyone is doing okay. I miss you all. I'm looking forward to being able to hang-out with all of you when I get back.
Matthew is well. He's still just as goofy as ever. It comforts me to know he's doing okay...even if he's faking it.
I need to go now. Take care. Have a great day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you can struggle through the bullsheet. Do yer best to not give a crap =). It is how it is right? Ahh well. You could take Matt's view on it and just not let the bad shit stress ya. My brother seems quite good at choosing to be happy when the odds are against em. The best of luck on your remaining stay. I can't wait for you guys to come visit again!

2/01/2006 3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Josh is right Matt always bounces back. You cling to him and He'll keep you smiling. Houghtelin family here in the Brainerd area are doing great and can't wait to hear more from you'all. Keep posting.


2/01/2006 10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GRAMPA SAYS Keep your chin up and keep on pluging along. Just remember you only have 10 mos. to go, then you only have another year to go you will be out in 2007LOVE GRAMPA

2/06/2006 11:03 PM  

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