January 27, 2006

Kicked out!

I'm being kicked out of my room and being forced to move in with someone from another company cuz my roomie finally got promoted. This pisses BOTH of us off. Me more than her, tho. I'm so upset. I couldn't even eat lunch, I was so mad!!!
And to make it worse, the NCO that was changing my current living arrangments said that he hopes I snap so that I can get sent home and stop bothering people with all my issues! BASTARD!!!!! I'm so ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!! He's lucky that I'd get sent to jail for kicking his ass, cuz that's the only thing keeping me from doing so right now.
Today was a bad day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
"The sun'll come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be sun. Just thinkin' about tomorrow, wears away the cobwebs and the sorrow..."
Hope everyone's doing better than me right now. Take care of yourselves. Love you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Honey,
You'll get used to the other person. Who knows she might end up being your favorite pal in the end. I'll pray for you and God will help guide you through this. It doesn't pay to get this mad. You know no matter what you do you have do as they say. That's the way it is. Even back here you have bosses and you'd like to kick their you know what. But I know to that you feel kind of locked in and can't move. Just remember that the Lord is watching over you and he loves you and you will be home before you know it. We are almost as uncomfortable as you knowing you are unhappy. Trouble is they probably get a kick out of you when you get mad because you are so cute when you get mad. Your actions are like a little old lady. I really think you are some what related to me........We love you and cheer up ok:::??????If nothing else think of me and you fishing and giggling. You always get the big one. Next year it's my turn. Even if I have to come and be with you where ever you are to fish.....Better get to bed as grandpa will get up and wonder where the heck I am. It's after two in the morning. I took my night meds so I probably won't even remember writing this. It bothered me cuz I love you and hate to see you get so mad. It isn't worth it when you can't do nothing about it. Loves you and I hoped I helped a little bit. No matter how much they belittle you we'll love you more and more each day. Even Cindie
Got to hit the sack
Loves you Lots and lots

1/28/2006 2:35 AM  

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