October 27, 2005

Friendly Farewell

Denise left this morning at 0600...and what does the "o" stand for? "O, my God, it's early!" Yeah, we had to get up at 0345 to make sure she'd be at the airport plenty early to catch her flight. We've had some good times while she was down here. We did a lot of much-needed catch-up. I'm so glad she was able to come down here. Who'd have thunk that I'd miss people so much, eh? Yeah.
So, I'll be heading up to Fort Carson, Colorado Saturday night. My band has a gig up there. We're casing some colors and doing a retirement ceremony or something like that. Colorado Springs is really nice and a pretty fun city at night...we (the band) always have a good time when we TDY up to there. I'll miss Matthew bunches, sure, but I'll have a lot of time to myself and I'll get to actually DO the job I signed-up to do!!! How about that?! I think it's pretty righteous myself.
Other than all that, it's been the norm lately. Matthew is working late tonight. UGH!!! I've just about had it with this whole working-late thing. My unit is starting to make me work late too. Although, they say that once everything is gone and heading on it's way to Iraq, we'll have a lot more time to spend with friends and family. I just wish we could get done with this work stuff faster so that I can go back to having fun on a regular basis!!! Heh heh heh
MY Halloween night is tomorrow. YAY!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. I'll be going as a PUNK ROCKER. I've got the funky-colored hair extentions and everything. I'm so pumped. Matthew is going as...well, I don't know what to call it other than a cross between a wolfman and a zombie. It looks kewl and scary-as-shit all at the same time!!! I'm still working on trying to put pics on my blog site, so, as soon as I figure that out, I'll be sure to post some pics of the halloween shindig. Can't leave my crowd-of-adoring-fans hanging, now can I? That's what I thought.
Thank you to everyone who has been looking in on this site from time to time and especially to those who love to leave comments. It's nice to know that people are actually somewhat interested in my thoughts and experiences. I love you all!!!! You are a great asset to this blog and you will go far.


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