October 15, 2005


That's right! I got paid last night (electronically), and so I went shopping today while Matthew had to work. If I had any of my girlfriends down here, I would've taken you all with me, but instead I had to go alone. It's okay, though. The mall was really crowded and loud. It was so much easier to just move around with my minidisk player and headphones and shop in a world of my own. I bought some more sweet pea body spray from Bath & Body Works, and 3 books from Borders (Portrait of a killer: Jack the Ripper Case Closed, Vampire Kisses, and The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore), and I bought a skeleton hand lamp from Spencers. I thought about buying a shirt or two from Hot Topic, but I resisted the temptation. I had fun though.
I've been reading a really good book titled Even Cowgirls Get The Blues by Tom Robbins. It's really good. I'm only half-way through it so far, but I can't wait to finish it.
Speaking of finishing things, I finally finished writing in my journal. I had started a journal while I was in 11th grade, and I finally filled in the last page of my journal book this morning. It was a momentous occasion that should have been accompanied with fireworks and music and everything else you can think of to celebrate this long-awaited day! I guess I'll have to go out and find another one and start filling that one out. It's so fun to read through some of my journal entries from back in high school and see how my life changed. There's a lot of good memories that I'd almost forgotten had I not written them down in my journal. It will become part of my legacy--if there is such a thing.
Anyways...if anyone has read any good books lately, please tell me so that I might try and find them while I'm out in Iraq. I'll have ample opportunity to read while I'm out there, so if you could suggest a few titles or authors, that'd be great. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!


Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

I just read Persuasion by Jane Austen, which was a whole lot better than I would have thought it would be. Huzzah for Tom Robbins! A friend of mine has had her life changed again by Neil Gaimon, so I'd also put in a vote for his stuff (American Gods, Sandman series) if you haven't read it. Heh. Can we be blogging book buddies?

10/16/2005 9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Crystal! I'm sure you already saw it but I posted my comments about books to read here.
before you enables anonymous posting. You've got another fan regularing your blog now!

10/22/2005 7:19 PM  
Blogger Fishguts said...

Thanks Josh. You're too kewl. Oh, and thanks for helping me get Denise down here. You're the best! Hope you have a great day.

10/23/2005 9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good info

4/15/2006 11:23 PM  

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