October 31, 2005

In Colorado Springs

Greetings from Colorado to everyone!
Yep. I'm in Colorado. Have been since 1730 central time. It's really nice. It only reached 65 as a high yesterday. The mountains are even MORE gorgeous than I remember. I'm kinda enjoying my time up here. I have the day off today, so I'm going to do as much sight seeing as I can. I'm hanging out with my battle buddies Grady Kersh and Dennis Kerr. They're loving it here, too.
I miss Matthew, but that's nothing unusual. I'm anxiously awaiting this Friday and this up-coming weekend. Oh, and I wasn't trying to "dis" anyone with tat's on my last blog entry. I was just joking around. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.
Well, I should get to enjoying my time here. Later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehe. Nothing like being a tourist. =)

Actualy, in the mountain areas they don't call ya tourists. They call ya "Gapers" becuase your always "gaping" at the mountains. hehe.

Hope you enjoy your stay.

11/01/2005 9:49 PM  

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