October 29, 2005

ParTy pOopeRs

Today, I'm heading up to Fort Carson, Colorado. Yay for me! I'm going by bus, so it's going to be a long ride...but there's tv's with VHS on the bus, so we'll be able to watch some movies to help pass the time faster. Matthew is going to have some much-needed time to himself. He doesn't have to be back to work until Monday, so he's got the whole weekend ahead of him. I won't be back from Ft.Carson until the 4th of November. He'll have plenty of time to hang with his "homies". He says he's going to help one of his buddies fix their truck...maybe work on the Supra a bit, and give my car a tune-up and an oil change. He's getting more time on his hands now that his unit is closer to getting all their stuff ready to go.
We ended-up not going to my buddy's gig last night. We've been working too late--needed sleep. Curse you, Zzz-Monster!! I heard that it was pretty wicked, tho. Wish we could've gone, but Matthew and I passed-out as soon as we got home from work. DAMN!
I'm looking at getting my first tattoo next Friday. Matthew's getting one too. I'm going to be getting a celtic cross tattooed on my lower back...Matthew is getting something of celtic design on one of his arms. He hasn't decided, but he's going to decide before Friday cuz we're getting tattooed together! We're going to be Tattooed White Trash!!! Yay!!!----I think.
The weather is getting colder down here, and a lot of people are catching colds now. Matthew and I have been getting some serious nasal congestion. We're not lucky enough to be sick enough to get out of work, tho. I suppose that could be a good thing. Just chugging away one day at a time. C'est la vie. So on goes life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. kido. very good work on the blog. Hear you are finaly doing what you signed up to do, going to Colorado for a gig. to bad you are going to miss scary day with Matt. keep up the good work with both band and the blog. grampa

10/30/2005 12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love ya

10/30/2005 2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey now, don't hate on us white folk with a a few tattoo's. I've got some tattoo's, a bit of ink on my arm anyway. I'm considering getting a little more on my other arm just to even things out hehe. ..

Don't have to much fun on the bus. hah. I've been riddled with annoying bus rides which sucks. Hopefully the military has bus accomodations a bit better than the greyhound offers. *shakes head* greyhound sucks.

10/30/2005 2:43 PM  

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