October 24, 2005

Gotta love Mike's

Hi All!
Oh, yeah...I only had to be at work until noon today, so I was able to hang with my girl, Denise, a lot today. We went to Bennigan's Irish restaurant/pub for a small lunch. We hung there for almost 3 hours! Good times. After that, we went to the movie theater to see "Domino Harvey"! HELL YEAH!!! That was SUCH a great movie. It was as good as "Fight Club". It's a must-see. It was so good. It's one of those movies that you can just totally lose yourself in. I'll probably see it again if I get a chance.
Now, we're back at the apartment. Matthew was home--he picked-up some more Mike's and some Shiner Bock and my favorite...Disorrono. Mmmmm. Mix Disorrono with some Coke or Pepsi and it makes the soda taste like cherry soda--only better! Heh heh heh
Yeah, so we're all just chillin'. Matthew ran to go and get some pizza. Denise and I are sitting on the couch watching "The Longest Yard" and just enjoying time together. We've only got 2 more days left together. She leaves from here Thursday morning at 0600. I'm really going to miss her. She is making me feel so great. I remember what life was like as a civilian since she's been down here...life is lookin' up!
I put a new bumper sticker on my car. It says, "It's all fun and games until they open the trunk." I put it above the bumper sticker that says, "My other car is a hearse." My car is beginning to show a personality. Yay for me!!!!
That's about all for now. Talk to you all later. *kisses*


Blogger English Newbie said...

Hey, does it have the personality that Dumb Female had yet? That car rocked.

10/25/2005 9:30 PM  
Blogger Fishguts said...

No, not yet, but it's getting there!!!! It's definitely tempermental. It tells me when it doesn't really feel like going anywhere. heh heh
Denise says "hi" back.

10/26/2005 5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's all fun and games until they open the trunk."

LOL. I love that!

Mike's kicks the crap out of my stomach for some reason. Your talkin 'bout the lemonade shtuff right? If your going to drink like a chick I still think the best way to go is the old fashioned Zima with a jolly rancher, your flavor of choice, dropped in it. Otherwise another good chick style is that strawberry (rasberry works fine to) vodka with sprite. Makes the sprite taste good.

Both of those chick styles taste realy good.

... But you don't have to take my word for it. =) *reading rainbow flashback* haha.

10/27/2005 7:02 PM  

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