October 14, 2005


Thank GOD the week is finally over! I need a break!
All week I feel like I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off! My unit is doing a lot of packing, unpacking, and the packing again. It's really exhausting. And to top it all off, I've been forced to do PT (you know, that "exercise" thing?) TWICE a day! Today I felt like I was going to DIE when I got off the eliptical at the gym after only 30 minutes! *OOFTA*
And after the eliptical, it was weight training time, apparently. This all happened AFTER work, mind you. Before work, my platoon did sprints. Two block sprints for 45 minutes! Talk about a WORK-OUT!!!!
I suppose I shouldn't complain. At least all this exercise is helping me to fit my big butt into my pants again. I know this'll all pay-off eventually...it's the thought of all the work that drives me up the wall!
Keeping so busy at work has helped me to not miss home so much. This is a good thing. Last week I was feeling pretty homesick. This week, I haven't had time to really think about missing home too much. I'm kinda anxious to hurry up and get back from Iraq so that I can go to another Minnesota Renaissance Festival! I miss that fun place. And to add to my anxiety, I know that the next time I attend the Minnesota Ren Fest, it'll be for my wedding CEREMONY! YAY!!! Hopefully everyone will be able to att


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