March 8, 2007

Feeling uNcOmFoRtAbLe

I'm still feeling all around icky usually early in the day and again, in the middle of the afternoon. My clothes are getting a little uncomfortable on me, so I've had to switch most of my clothes out with my old "fat" clothes from when I weighed almost 200 lbs. Oy! So far it just in the stomach area, but I know my butt and thighs are soon to follow. Also, I've noticed that EVERYTHING has a smell...some smells are barely there, but they still exist. I can smell everything. I can tell what kind of detergent people use or even what the garbage can contains (without looking inside of it!). I think that those women who actually say that they "enjoy being pregnant" are either out of their minds or they're lying to everyone...including themselves. I knew it was going to have it's up's and down's, but so far there is really nothing kewl about being pregnant....okay, maybe it's pretty nifty to be buying really cute baby clothes and daydreaming about the baby....but aside from all that, this kinda blows chunks. Literally and figuratively speaking.
Great. It's only 3 in the afternoon and I feel the need for a nap coming on. I probably haven't slept this much since I was little. Nap time. Talk at you all later. Toodles!

MaTeRnItY sHoPpInG

I just had a Girl's-Day-Out with my friends Holly and Kayla (who recently found out that she is pregnant and due the same day as me). We went shopping for some maternity clothing. I only picked up about 6-7 shirts. I don't know what size pants I'll be needing, so I decided to wait until I'm gonna be needing them. Most of the shirts are pretty dressy, but still semi-casual. I also bought some really cute baby jumpers from Hot Topic that were on sale. SO CUTE!!! They say things like "Cute but stinky. Things even out" and "Born to Rock" and "I listen to Led Zepplin with my daddy." How cute uis THAT??? Oh, one of the shirts I purchased today says "What's Kickin'?" and it's got two little baby feet prints on it. I won't be able to were it until I get a lot bigger which is okay cuz I won't be big enough till fall and it's a long-sleeve shirt.
Us girls have been just bummin' around and enjoying the 86 degree weather. Meanwhile, Matthew and Curtis (Holly's husband) and Matt's friend, Cody, have been fixing Curtis' jeep all morning and afternoon. They had fun doing their manly things while I enjoyed spending time with the girls. Right now, the guys are cleaning-up their greasy, stinky selves so that we all can go to the movie theater. Don't know what we're gonna see, but we know we want to see a movie.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!

24/7 sickness

OY! Today has been a long day. I've been feeling nausiated and super tired all day. Matthew says that I feel like I'm hot as an oven. The doctor says that it's normal to have a higher temp while you're pregnant cuz, apparently, I'm like a giant incubator. Meh...whatever. I just hope that these feelings don't last for too long. It makes Army life EXTRA miserable.
Other than all that, not much going on. I finally was able to turn in the last of my paperwork to get chaptered out of the Army. I hope it won't take longer than a week or so to get approved. Matthew is still expected to go to Ft.Carson, CO. at the end of the month. I hope I'm out in time enough to go with him right away.
By the way. The dates on the previous 2 entries were incorrect. I found out I was prego on my birthday (25 Feb.) and I put the "bun in da oven" on my blog on 26 Feb. And "Army can see" was added on 01 Mar. Just thought you ought to know.
I need to go now. Too tired to type any more words. Peace out!

February 8, 2007

Army can SEE!

The Army finally recognizes my pregnancy. Now, starting Monday, I can start my paperwork to get released from the Army. Matthew and I are both relieved that they finally saw that I'm "positive" because we were really worried that we'd end up being separated for a really long time. He's still expected to move up to Fort Carson, Colorado starting 17 March. I'm not happy about that and his unit won't even give him a 30 day extension so that he could help ME move up there. All we can do is hope that I can get out before the end of his 30 days of leave. Pray for that, too, please.
Back to happier stuff. I'm 6 weeks pregnant!!!
The Army nurses say that the baby will be due the 22nd of October. I personally think it'll come out around Halloween or maybe the first week of November. We already have the names picked out for the baby. If it's a boy, his name will be William Scott (Liam, for short). And if it's a girl, her name will be Zoe Rae. I'm not hoping for a specific gender, but I think all women secretly want a girl. Thank you all for your support. We really appreciate it.
Well, that about covers it for now. Take care. Keep praying for us, please. Toodles.

I've got a bun in da oven!

That's right! Matthew and I are PREGNANT!!!! We don't have a solid due date, but it looks like I'll be due between Halloween and Thanksgiving. We'll get a better idea the further along I get. Right now, I'm just in the process of getting the Army to recognize my pregnancy so that I can get out so that I can at least care for my own child. I have faith that things will go well. I have another doctor appointment tomorrow, so maybe I'll have more news for you after that. For now, I'm just THRILLED that I'm pregnant! Pray for us. Love you all. TOODLES!!!!

February 7, 2007

tHe NoT sO kEwL jErK

Things are going about as well as can be expected as far as my new job goes. Sadly, Matthew has been assigned to a new unit which is moving to Ft.Carson (Colorado) in April and he has to go with them. I, unfortunately, cannot go with him. I'm stuck with 4 ID until I can get out, which won't be for another 1-2 years. What really blows some serious chunks is the fact that Matthew won't deploy until MY deployment is almost all in all, we'll be separated for 2 years minimum. We've exhausted all resources but 1 which we talked to today. We've tried going through our Sergeants Major, we tried JAG, now our last hope is G1 who is going to be doing some research to see if they can't make orders for Matthew and I to be able to stay together at least a little bit longer. Please pray for us. We need all the help we can get. I'm about ready to lose my mind. I talked to the Chaplain today and he didn't have any hints for me that I didn't already know about. But at least I was able to talk to someone. Please pray for us.
Nothing else of importance to report. Hope everyone is healthy and doing well. I'll try and keep you all posted on any news. Take care. Toodles.

February 2, 2007

New Job Going Okay

Today is a relax day for us. Today is some sort of "Welcome Home, Troops!" party for all of us 4ID soldiers who were deployed. It doesn't sound too bad. They've got a rapper, some latin group and a country singer showing up, so it ought to be interesting. Meh.....I don't think I'll stay for very long. Matthew and I both have a formation to attend today, but that's it for work. It's a "training holiday" today. Hallelujah! We both needed a bit of a break.
My new job is okay. I've got my own desk, so I guess that's a plus. Also, I'm losing some flab in the mid-section due to all the PT my new unit does. So, I guess I'm doing okay. I miss the band still, but I don't miss how they never gave me an opportunity to do my job except for the ceremonies. Now, I've even been given some leadership opportunities. I've got soldiers in my office who I out-rank, and so I get to task them with missions and stuff. It's pretty nifty. Makes me kind of want to go ahead and work harder for my SGT, but I want to time it just right. It'd be nice to get promoted right now, but it'd be even better if I got promoted right before I'd have to deploy again. Nevermind...just more rambling. I'll shut-up now. I've gotta start getting ready for my formation. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!

January 27, 2007


Hello, my dearest fans.
A lot has happened since my last entry. Mostly bad things. On 19 January, 2007, the band (which included me) had to perform for my division's Change of Command ceremony. About an hour or so into the ceremony, I passed-out. Not just fainted; PASSED-OUT! I didn't even come-to until the people who carried me out of the gym had already laid me out on the concrete outside. UGH! How embarrassing. Anyways, to make things worse, my commander and my 1st Sergeant got their butts chewed by the division Chief of Staff for one of their soldiers falling out at the ceremony. My commander was PISSED!!! So, I was kicked-out of the band. Yes, right there, that very same day and everything, I was kicked OUT!!!! I was then sent to another company in my battalion. My new unit is HHC. Oy! They're basically the "mutt" of units. They are compiled of clerks, mechanics, MP's (military police), and other odds and ends. Since being banished to the HHC I have been shuffled around which keeps them from being able to train me to do any specific job, so I'd become a well-paid janitor. That is until yesterday. I was sent to the battalion S-1 office (admin), and I finally have a place. My new squad leader keeps me pretty squared away, and I'm finally getting the hang of HHC's PT. It was really hard, though, at first cuz the band basically just does enough PT to barely squeeze by. Now, I'm doing almost as much PT as I'd done in AIT! Sorry, the Army's got me talking like them. :^) *shrug*
Yesterday was the first day that I didn't cry. I've missed my job in the band, but I think I can hang in this new one. I don't really have a choice except to either have a positive or negetive attitude at my new job. Who knows? Maybe, one day, the band will want me back. Meh....I don't really care so long as I eventually get released from the clutches of the evil military.
On a happier note, Matthew got PROMOTED this past Thursday. Congrats, honey! He is now SGT Houghtelin!!!! :^) No, I am not forced to stand at parade rest for him or anything dumb like that. Besides, if he ever DID make me do that, he knows that he'd get a butt-whoopin' when he'd get home. Just kidding. I'm very proud of Matthew. He's worked really hard to get his E-5 (sergeant), and now that he's got it, he's trying to get over to my battalion. This would be super kewl cuz then we would be deployed to the same camp this time. We wouldn't have to be seperated. YAY!!! Deployment would still suck, but it would suck a lot less if we were able to see each other every day. Well, that's the update. Take care. TOODLES!!!!!!!!!