January 9, 2007

Partying with UTG!!!

[Top: Matthew and I, hammered, at my buddy's band's performance @ Jesters in Temple, TX. My buddy's band is called Under The Gun (UTG). Bottom: the band is setting up.]
Matthew and I thoroughly enjoyed our leave. Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding. Matthew and I are doing pretty well. It looks like we'll be moving into a different apartment sometime within the next month. Oy! So much to DO!!!! Work is going well. Matthew still has a couple of days of leave left, but then he'll be working, too! *evil laugh* Other than all that, it's the same old, same old. Saw my buddy's band perform down in Austin last weekend and then went to his house for a little after-party...sadly, Matthew got sick, but he's feeling better now! :^)
I miss all my friends (family, too). I can't wait for my next hunk of leave to get here! I hope everyone is continuing to do well. If not, I'm sorry.
I should get going. Gotta get some dinner ready for Matthew. Take it easy. L8R G8R's! Toodles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are having fun!
Talk tto ya soon!
Love ya

1/14/2007 2:16 PM  

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