January 15, 2007

MLK 4-day weekend

This 4-day weekend has been really nice and pretty fun. It's getting colder. Kinda weird, huh? Last night it froze. Tomorrow morning's PT is gonna suck. PT is always sucky, but it gets worse when it's cold out. Plus, all the roads are pretty icy right now...and it'll only be worse by tomorrow morning.
Back to the weekend's events. It's been fun. We've spent a lot of time with the Kersh's and their 1 yr old baby, Catherine. We went to the movie Primeval, which wasn't what we expected. It was basically about a killer crocodile/ civil war in Africa. Oy! What a disappointment. Then, on Saturday, we went bowling with the Kersh's and then continued to party by getting drunk and playing scrabble with them at their house. Oh yeah...we're a wild bunch! I know what you're thinking...pretty lame, right? We had fun, though. Then, last night, Matthew and I hung out with another of my band buddies, Kerr. We went to Denny's, then picked up a couple of new releases at the movie rental joint and watched the movies until midnight. We enjoyed ourselves. Today, Matthew and I have been just taking it easy. We've watched a couple movies, went grociery shopping, picked up some dinner for our lizard, and now we're just chillin; and watching the History Channel--a nice piece on Houdini. Not bad. I like just chillin;. This weekend has been kinda buzzing. We've been going and going all weekend. It's nice to just sit back once in a while.
Well, nothing else to bore you with . Take it easy. Hope you all enjoyed you MLK weekend.
Oh, next week starts "Change of Command" season. I'll be having to perform at a lot of ceremonies starting this week with my division's Change of Command/promotion of a general/uncasing of the division colors. UGH!!!! It's going to get really crazy around here!!! Take care. Toodles!!!!!


Blogger Fishguts said...

Don't worry. you'll get your revenge the weekend following this. We'll be moving into a different apartment starting Feb. 1st-4th. Oy! I loathe moving. And what's even better is that we're moving there just so that we can get a cat! Neurotic? maybe. Bored? YES!!!!

1/16/2007 9:13 PM  

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