January 11, 2006

mUdDy DaZe

UGH!!! I hate the mud. It's been raining/sprinkling on and off for the past few days...it's really yucky now. It's a good thing that I tie my boots so tight cuz I'd have lost them in the mud about 10 times by now.
I want to thank everyone for writing to me. It means a great deal to me to have so many people back home who care about me. Thank you. I miss you all so much. I can't wait to get back to the states. We are all going to party SO hard when Matthew and I get back.
Not much is going on. Still doing guard duty, still learning/playing piano, still homesick, and still missing Matthew.
I love you, Matthew!
Thank you, Abby for the pics of you and Adam over x-mas break. It was nice to "see" you again. Thank you, Uncle D and Aunt Ruth for the Christmas DVD. I watch it about every other day. Thank you, Sej, for the xmas card...best wishes to you and Eli as you start your journey down Married-lane. And thank you, Mom, Dad, Amber, and all the rest of my family for being there and helping me out any way you can during this hard time. I love you. And don't think that I've forgotten about the rest of my fan club! I miss and love all of you so much. Take care of yourselves. I'll be back to the states (and back to civillian life) before you know it.
Lots 'o' love to everyone! Keep writing and taking pics! *PEACE*


Blogger Vegan Love Vegan said...

You're so young to be where you are and see what you must have seen. It must make your parents nuts that you are there.
I hope that you keep safe and always keep in mind that every one of us at home thanks you and your fellow soldiers for all that you have done.
Be careful.

1/11/2006 8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey girl...I see you are getting a free mud bath!
We all miss you here too!
We got a box from HotTopic for you here. What should I put on the customs declaration when I mail it to you?
I am at work, so I have to go but always remember we love you!

1/11/2006 2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, baby girl (I can call you that because I am your MOM)!
Wanna mud wrestle?
We sent that box from HotTopic and added a few things... imagine that.
Got another email from your troop leaders. There was a tidbit in there about the band, but didn't see your name on it.
We really miss you, Crystal. I am sorry you don't get to spend time with Matt. Everyone is praying for you and all of our soldiers.
Please take care of yourself and remember that you are with us in our hearts and prayers every day.

1/17/2006 11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey crystal,

it's Kat and Rod! Nothing new is here, other than I rolled my car, and if you haven't gotten my letter yet, we're engaged! okay, so other than that, I guess I am in a hurry sitting at the Wadena library and Rod's parents want to leave...note I no longer have a car. Rod and I are fine though, the only thing that I really sustained was a black eye and a bruised leg. Rod, had a bruise on his leg and is the one who kicked me in the eye! What a guy! Love and many hugs...okay he didn't kick me on purpose, anyways, love ya!

1/18/2006 2:04 PM  

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