January 3, 2006

I was on TV!!

New Year's Eve was a blast. I missed Matthew, but I still managed to have fun, somehow. My band's performance was televised on Fox News! How kewl is that? I was unable to play the piano, tho, cuz I'd gotten my fingers slammed in a door earlier that day...ouch. But, I sang and danced my heart out! It was so much fun. The Fox News team that was there with us left the camera rolling the whole time and supposedly the band will be getting a DVD copy of the night's festivities. Yay! If I get it, I'll definitely make copies for people! I really had a good time. Next year will be better, though.
Oooh!!! I got to SEE Matthew yesterday afternoon. I only spent about an hour with him, but it was a wonderful hour. I really miss the guy, in case you haven't noticed. It was so nice to see him. He was on a convoy and they came to my camp...Matthew was able to slip away and find me at the band hall. We hung out at the PX---I felt like such a teenager! LOL. We talked about what we've been doing, how much we missed each other, what we were going to do when we get home, etc. It was nice to be able to hug him again. I'm sorry--I'm getting all mushy. You don't want to read that! I'll move on.
Back to talking about New Year's Eve. My squad leader had me taking pictures through out the night on his camera. He's going to let me download those pics onto my computer, which I'll be putting onto a CD and sending home one of these days. I'll let my fan club know when I send the CD or when I get it made so that you can start putting in your requests to see the pics/get your own copy of the pics.
Other than all that, I've been doing a LOT of guard duty. Boring. Hopefully we'll be getting ready for another wicked-awesome concert before too long. I convinced the show band to add more techno/rave stuff to their repitoire <---I'm not sure how to spell that word, obviously.
Take care of yourselves. I'll be keeping you posted! Love, Peace and CHICKEN GREASE!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Crystal, Cool! I'll have to watch for you on TV Fox News.

I truely appreciate you keeping us folks back home posted on what is happening in your world.

Matt's Dad

1/03/2006 9:25 PM  
Blogger Ms Future PharmD said...

Glad you got to visit your Matthew. While absence makes the heart grow fonder, it really sucks during... I shall endeavor to mail you things. Are there things I shouldn't send, like kittens or flour or something?

Rock on and take care,

1/04/2006 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there sweety!
I am glad you got to spend a bit of time with your honey. He called me today. He is bored... and I had nothing new to tell him either. But I sent him hugs! Auntie Beth called to ask what kind of books you want. She has access to just about anything, so let me know.
We think we saw you dancing on a Foxnews.com video blurp. Think we can figure out how to record it? NOOOOOO! We sure tried!
We love you and miss you very, very much.

1/04/2006 7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi chrystal this is matts mom. its nice to hear that you got to meet matt. Matt called here and said that he was still bored.When you get back we have a bunch of matts pictures from the good old days.If yo uwant to send messages send them to chris at zeris221@gmail.com because our computer is not up and working.

1/10/2006 4:41 PM  

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